Thursday, January 24, 2008

Incept Dress Code

Incept is a great company to work for. Sadly, however, a great injustice is being done. The dress code requires all shirts to be tucked in. In other words, "Hey chubby! Don't cover up that gut and those love handles, let's see what your workin' with!" For overweight people, yes I am one, it is humiliating. No one thinks, "when I walk into my job, amongst my co-workers, I get a great boost of confidence by exposing my flaws." So where do we go from here? One of two things will happen. Either, they should just let employees wear a shirt out, untucked as long as it is professional looking (many shirts are designed to stay out) OR one by one all the fat employees, one by one will be required to do the 'truffle shuffle' before gaining access to the building.

If anyone is offended by this blog, calm down. I believe the best way to make an honest and valid point is to see some humor in it. This blog is in no way making fun of overweight people. Again I, myself, am overweight. For those of you confused by the truffle shuffle joke, please go to the nearest Blockbuster Video and rent "The Goonies"